How do I check 2 sprites of the same family but with different value of a variable overlapping?
Example.. I have 2 sprites in a family, sprite 1 and 2, and they have both variable "player", sprite 1 have value 1 and sprite 2 value 2 of player variable.
When sprites with different value of player variable overlaps, only the sprite with value 2 will be destroyed but there is 10 instances of each sprite in the layout and they go in the direction of each other. So sprite1 overlapping sprite1 don't do nothing and the same for sprite2, only triggers when sprite1 overlaps sprite2 or sprite2 overlaps sprite1.
If I do something like:
+family.player (not equal) family.player
+Family is overlapping family THEN(action) destroy family
it doesn't work.
So how to make it work??
Here is the capx example to help understand What I mean: