If you know how to create an object at runtime you're almost there...
You will need an ice looking sprite object, and give it an instance variable (let's call it IceTimer) and give that a default value of 10 in the layout editor. This way, any ice block when created automatically has a value of 10 for the variable IceTimer.
When you create the ice block (press button -> create ice.sprite) it will have our IceTimer value of 10.
Now, you need an event that is [Every 1 seconds] as well as [Compare two values (ice.sprite.count is greater than 0)] with the action of "minus 1 from ice.sprite variable IceTimer"
Finally one more event that is [Ice.sprite variable IceTimer=0] -> Destroy ice.sprite
This would work for one ice sprite only (I think) - you may need to add some "for each ice.sprite" loops in the "every 1 seconds" event as well as the event that deletes the ice once the timer is at 0.
Hopefully this makes sense.