How do I change a set of animations being played

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  • Hello

    I'm currently making a platformer game and one of its features is that, when you pick up an specific item your costume changes of color.

    Right now my animations are being called by, IE: Player_Base - [Platform is moving] \ Player_Mask - [set animation to: "Run_" & Player_Mask.aimDirection]

    My animation name in this case would be (Run_"aiming direction")

    Now I'm thinking of renaming my animations to (BlueSuit_Run_"aiming direction") , (RedSuit_Run_"aiming direction") , (GreenSuit_Run_"aiming direction")

    But I dont know how to call the animations for those specific set of names

    Thanks id advance

  • Done with a variable, you pick the item and you set the variable on the player or globally, i.e. blue=1, red=2, green=3.

    Then its Player_Base - Platform is moving

    condition: if variable=1 play animation bluesuit_run, if variable=2 play animation redsuit_run etc

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  • Done with a variable, you pick the item and you set the variable on the player or globally, i.e. blue=1, red=2, green=3.

    Then its Player_Base - Platform is moving

    condition: if variable=1 play animation bluesuit_run, if variable=2 play animation redsuit_run etc

    Awesome, thanks man

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