I am wanting to change the mouse into a chainsaw, is that possible? The end product will be a floating chainsaw that plays the chainsaw sounds when the mouse button is held down.
Any help would be great! I see where I can change it to a hand, or crosshairs. I just don't see an option to add my own graphic for that.
Thanks in advance.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Set your mouse cursor to invisible.
Make a sprite containing the graphics for the chainsaw.
Every tick set this sprite's position to mouse.x, mouse.y
When left mouse button is clicked play your sound.
hide the cursor and make a chainsaw sprite follow the mouse coordinates
Awesome Kyatric! Thanks for the help!
Edit: And Yann! :)
I agree. a good example!))
Uh...GROM, this is not a good example. I assume this is an old topic but there is now a way to swap the mouse cursor with a sprite and unlike this method, there is no visual lag because it actually changes the cursor image.