Thanks for the kind words
Christmas, glad you like it
The easiest way to stop the player from leaving the boundaries was placing 4 solids around it. I could think of a way to remove the need for the solids and CameraFrame, but that would take me some time at my current skill level. Besides it would only remove the objects and add more code instead, so I went for this approach.
You could replace the CameraDolly with a hard X/Y position, but that would overcomplicate things when you perhaps want to move the "center-cam" around later.
Also, I think your screenshake looks better. Granted mine uses only events, but because of the lerping it doesn't look like an uniform screenshake.
And don't worry about the "lovely mess" you create when trying to work things out. If it works it ain't stoopid, no matter how many events it takes.
Good luck on your project ;3