That's a good idea, but what I really need to do is go through all of my sprites and replace all the black outlines of the pixel art with coloured lines, and I can't really automate that process, it needs to be picked out by hand, but at least if all the sprites got laid out in a handy way I'd be able to copypaste portions of it or do something to make my life easier :/
So I'm assuming there really isn't an easy way to do this... oh well, time to go and update every sprite in the game 1 frame at a time
EDIT: It's annoying because if you export to node webkit C2 will generate sprite sheets for everything in the package.nw. But it doesn't do this with a regular grid or anything, so you can't reimport that sheet for anything useful. I know it has the capability! I just wondered if anybody had a clever idea for a process I could implement. I but I guess not. Thanks for your help anyway.