I made my own WASD + mouse movement:
- player looks in the direction of mouse pointer,
- W moves towards mouse pointer
- S moves backwards mouse pointer
- A and D moves sideways (strife)
Have a try (please open in new tab): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17601731/forum/c2/wasd_movement/index.html
But there's 2 problems with this movement:
1. In situation like this:
When pressed W - player (red arrow) goes towards mouse pointer (blue X). Green path shows direction.
When player collides with the wall (black rectangle) it stops. I'd like him to slide along the wall.
2.In situation like this:
When I rotate my player:
He gets stuck, because bounding boxes overlaps.
CAPX: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17601731/forum/c2/wasd_movement.capx
How to modify this movement to fix those problems. Or maybe you know any plugin that would give me same functionality without those problems?