sorry, i corrected that.. incomplete sentence.
here is what i am working to achieve
if you click the colored bars below the truck graphics you'll see they shift the direction of the truck associated with it..
but my original vision was to make one truck spawner and one box object and have them be able to change on the fly based on a variable.. but i ended up having to break them up into completely unique spawners / truck objects..
however you do bring up a good point.. the copy being created is set to 0 in my "object" layout. which is a layout i put all of my objects into so i can keep the game layout clean of a bunch of objects just sitting around on the side of the screen.. which leads to your next comment, which is definitely a new action to me.
regarding "spawn another object".. i've never even noticed that.. that's cool. i see it, but i do wonder how would i then set the relative x and y of the newly spawned object?
it offers an object, layer and image point, but the objects i'm creating must appear in very specific relative locations.. there is 5 parts to each truck.. the base.. the roof.. the left right and back colliders.. would i then an "on created" and set the x and y that way perhaps?