Hi everyone,
So I have a game I'm making that I want to be used as a "game for good". This will be meant to do two things:
1. raise awareness of bees and dangers they face
2. raise money for a non profit audubon society
So my plan is to make this game for iOS, Android, Windows 8, Windows Phone 8. I have experience reaching all of these platform, but what I haven't done before is doing IAP with C2..
I know there is the "IAP" plugin for C2.. but what does that work with? Is it a cross platform IAP system?
I'm working under a very tight timeline in order to have the game ready in time for respective app stores (iOS being the longest to get approved) so I'd like to be able to reuse as much IAP dev time as possible.
I'm looking to use Ejecta for iOS, how would I access IAP through that? Or is that possible yet? I see the ejecta object has iad support.. and some other things (game center i assume)