Now i'm loading results to a secondary temporary array and I'm quite happy with how this works, my only issue that currently I'm looping through the other two dimentions to get this done (just like i would in js probably).
My array is a comprehensive Tech tree for the game I'm making
1 dimention = [Tech Level],[Tech Level Title],[Tech Level subtext]
2 dimention = [Type of Technology],[Type SubText]
3 dimention = [id],[Name of Tech],[Subtype],[Description],[Research Points],.... n=25
So I'm getting all information of dimention 3 where ie [Tech level]<= 4 and [Type of Technology] = Fleet and then load Dropdownlists and a temprary array for the click options. Concatenating [Tech Level subtext],[Type SubText],[Description] provides the full description of the item.
I just didn't like how i made it... I always think there is a better way to do things. :)