Does anyone have a basic example of Vampire Survivors done in C2?

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  • Hi guys!

    I'm trying do make a Vampire Survivors-like game in C2, but I'm not able to do it, because the examples I found here are all from C3.

    Does anyone have a C2 basic example of spawning a horde of enemies against a character?

    I thank you in advance for everyone's attention and collaboration.

  • You could open the c3 examples and just manually replicate it in c2 events since it will be similar. Or at the very least it would give you ideas.

    Roughly it seems to mostly be a matter of creating a bunch of physics objects with a force toward the player or some variation of that.

  • You could open the c3 examples and just manually replicate it in c2 events since it will be similar. Or at the very least it would give you ideas.

    Roughly it seems to mostly be a matter of creating a bunch of physics objects with a force toward the player or some variation of that.

    I tried to replicate some C3 examples, dude, but C3 have some news features.

    For example, the C2's Timer behavior is incomplete compared to C3 version. :(

  • R0J0hound

    For example, how can I replace in Construct 2 the paramater for Timer "Is timer running" command with another one in the third line of the attached C3 project?

  • Probably comparing timer.duration(tag) <> 0 would work.

    Once the timer finishes any expression with the tag will equal zero.

  • Probably comparing timer.duration(tag) <> 0 would work.

    Once the timer finishes any expression with the tag will equal zero.

    Dude, I´m not a programmer. I'm a designer (tired) and trying hard to make a simple game. ^^

    If you don´t mind, can you help me with my C2 example? (it´s a shooter/hack 'n slash with a simple horde system)

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  • It wants me to create an account to download.

    I was just saying these two should be the same.

    sprite: timer: is timer running "foo"
    system: pick by comparison: sprite, timer.duration("foo") <> 0

    The "<>" means "not equal to".

    Anyways, the rest of my other post was the reasoning why it would be the same. You can ignore that.

  • It wants me to create an account to download.

    I was just saying these two should be the same.

    sprite: timer: is timer running "foo"

    system: pick by comparison: sprite, timer.duration("foo") <> 0

    The "<>" means "not equal to".

    Anyways, the rest of my other post was the reasoning why it would be the same. You can ignore that.

    Ok. Thanks, dude. :)

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