Animations aren't working properly

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From the Asset Store
3 pixel charaters with over 8 animations each + animations with a gun
  • First of all, hi everyone! I'm new to the forum. So, I've been making a 2D platformer for quite a while now and the development has been overall pretty smooth, but now I'm facing a major road block... my animations aren't working properly. My idea was to have a animation for when you are carrying an object, the engine triggers the animation properly but the animation doesn't actually play, it freezes in the first frame of the animation. What should I do?

  • Hi welcome! This is a common issue where it is trying to play several animation at the same time. So likely it is trying to do something like play a walk animation and a carry animation together.

    To resolve this you would need to add conditions to rule out animations and ensure two are not played at the same time, for example on your walk animations set up with keys you would add a condition 'carry key is not pressed' or 'carry animation is not playing', something where it will only walk when you are not carrying.

  • does ur animation has speed set properly? is there a event looping the start of animation over and over under some condition? this 2 main reasons usually are the faults.

  • Hi welcome! This is a common issue where it is trying to play several animation at the same time. So likely it is trying to do something like play a walk animation and a carry animation together.

    To resolve this you would need to add conditions to rule out animations and ensure two are not played at the same time, for example on your walk animations set up with keys you would add a condition 'carry key is not pressed' or 'carry animation is not playing', something where it will only walk when you are not carrying.

    OOPS sorry for taking so long to respond hehe, school stuff :b. First, thanks for aswering me <3, and second, could you show any example of that? I get the main ideia, make sure that two animations aren't playing at the same time, I just want an example to have a better idea on how to implement.

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  • does ur animation has speed set properly? is there a event looping the start of animation over and over under some condition? this 2 main reasons usually are the faults.

    Well I believe the speed of the animation is set properly, I tried the second one and it doesn't seem to work(or I'm just doing it wrong lol).

  • As an example like this, you could use either of the first two blocks but wouldn't need both.

  • As an example like this, you could use either of the first two blocks but wouldn't need both.

    OMG IT REALLY WORKED THANK YOU! Here's what I did! Let me see if I got this, whenever this problem happens I need to make sure that two animations aren't playing at the same time by using keybind conditions like "If E is not down" and such? Because what I was doing was attributing the animations to moving conditions, "If character is moving/ play "walking" animation".

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