Hi good day,
I've spent most of my time the past days, on both of my PHP and C2 codes trying to figure whats wrong and i discovered this..
Here is the link of my ajax request:
The output is the array data in a json format which is stored in my database, i call it to store it back to my array once request is complete. I am using INTERNET EXPLORER to debug - WHICH I SUDDENLY DISCOVERED IS NOT A GOOD CHOICE hence making this post.
So just now, for some reason ie is not opening so i changed my preview browser to CHROME and voila, request completes and store json format to array! I even tried FIREFOX and its also working perfectly!
So the question is, Should i stop debugging in IE?? and just choose browser?
I have been using IE because its fast to open up, and my chrome browser have too many tabs open.. but i think ill have to deal with it now that ie ********
Thank you in advance