hi all
Today i want to make agar.io
but i need help
some helps
If i spased =
if eat add to 2 size
What is your exact question?
Which part of creating this do you have issues with?
my english bAD srry
you cant help me?
If you can't understand my questions, how will you understand my answer?
You probably need something like
on collision
destroy set width : self.width+2 set height: self.height+2
set width : self.width+2
set height: self.height+2
i do that but Agar dont fllow my mouse and dont work
and i want learn if agar eat small balls add 2 size
per eat add 2 size
On start of layout is only called once..
What you probably want is:
system every tick
sprite set angle towards (mouse.x,mouse.y)
To add 2 to size use the event I posted before..
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
now true?
You have "set angle" property of the bullet behaviour to NO
So instead of setting the angle towards the mouse, you should set the bullet angle of motion towards the mouse..
ok!!! worked %100
now how to per eat add 2 size?
on collision > destroy > set width : self.width+2 > set height: self.height+2
> destroy
> set width : self.width+2
> set height: self.height+2
Thank you