Let's say I have a sprite called Ball and one called Paint, each of which has the SetColor effect on it. When a Ball collides with a Paint, I want the ball to become the same color as the Paint sprite. Intuitively I'd create an event that says:
Ball | on collision with Paint ->
Ball | Set effect "SetColor" parameter 0 to Paint.SetColor(0)
Ball | Set effect "SetColor" parameter 1 to Paint.SetColor(1)
Ball | Set effect "SetColor" parameter 2 to Paint.SetColor(2)
That is, I want to read each of the R, G, and B values in the Paint sprite and write those to the R, G, B values of the Ball sprite. My problem is, Paint.SetColor(0) is an invalid expression, and I'm not sure how to access those parameters. I can set them just fine, just not read them.
One work around I thought of is to give each sprite a R, G, and B instance variable and every frame set the SetColor parameters to those values, but that seems like an unnecessary duplication of data to me... unless of course there's no other way.
So yeah, long story short: I can set the parameters of an effect, but how do I read them?