Wow, replies. So, well, I definitely wasn't narcisstic nor comparing my skills to others. And where did that come from?
No idea ^^ I don't know how saying 'what I do isn't special' is narcissism.
I very much agree with what you're saying, except that the distinction between programming and coding is bigger than a lot of people say. And C2 has, by this mass saving of time, allowed people the chance to make games who literally could not have before, due to the time involved in learning to code vs time they have available to learn. So in this way it has 'saved' many people who could not code and allowed them to make games.
Heh, not directed at you, but I remember on the RM forums the veteran users would say 'if RM put in all the features you liked they would lose the scripting community! So if you want to make good games, learn to code so you can make your own scripts and stop asking the work to be done for you.', which just sounds totally bananas. But that is the mentality a lot of people have. I really wonder how great RM could have been if they A: tried, and B: regulated their community in any way shape or form.