Hello, thx for reply :)
Caps is too huge to post since game is almost finished but I can explain here. For example added text Game Over which is invisible.
Added condition when lives = 0 text "Game over" fade in and become visible, that works every time, tried to play 3 times in a row and it shows every time.
But score and lives shows only for first time when player plays a game. So it does show and when game ends, after game over text it goes to menu. when start again you cant see score and lives, its pretty weird.
So have 2 layers, game and menu.
On game layer regarding text is like this:
On start of layout : set visible (for both score and lives)
When game ends (lives :0)
Lives = 0
Trigger once : Stop all sounds
(Game over text) set visible
wait 5 seconds
go to menu
set cursor to normal (since its only crosshair when game start)
Under menu made this:
On start of layout: Text (both score and lives) set invisible
Reset global variables to default
And all works fine, you play a game, can see score and lives when ends game over pops up and go in main menu. There you cant see score and lives since I set them to invisible. Resetted global variables so when player starts new game it have 3 lives again and can play. That works fine too but cant see Score and Lives. They are visible only first time when player plays. It is pretty weird. :)