Sorry for the pun, it was pintentional :D
ok, seriously. I would like to see a new Pin behaviour feature for Relative/Offset Position. This would make container object creation a lot easier. Right now when a container object is created it seems we need to set the position of every object and pin it(if we are pinning).
The intent is that the Pin behaviour will have it's own XY coordinates. These coords will automatically put the object relative to the parent. so a flashlight with Pin.Y:70, wound naturally put the flashlight on the 90 degree 70px down. This pin offset would overwrite the sprites own XY.
The benefit of this is that the user can change the Pin.Y/X and resulting moving a pinned object, but still relative to the parent. So the object doesnt' need to be constantly unpinned, moved and re-pinned.
I don't see this as being all that complicated to add
new property values of XY
new property "relative or absolute" combo box
action: set pin offsetXY
right now C2 already handles pinned objects. In this case it would just use user input XY to offset.