(This may have been posted before, I couldn't find it in the search though)
That part of the UI sorta annoys me from the beginning with C2.
In the event sheet, when I want to keep an action, but switch from one object to an other, the pop-up that appears by default is about the action, and not about the object...
To change the object, I have to go all-the-way back, and click like:
[back]>[back]>[object]>[next]>[next] (or enter, but you get the idea)
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/595nS.png" border="0" />
So, my suggestion is to split the "action" column in two parts people can click, and when you click the object you can change it directly
Back, Next, and done buttons would still be there to navigate, this is just a shortcut
EDIT: I realize a particular action is only going to happen with specific objects, so there will have to be some kind of reverse-logic to filter the possible objects to choose from...
Such thing is still doable?