Spriter/C2 - (9-16-2019 - bug fix)

From the Asset Store
Rotate & Animation for 16 Direction & Mouse Direction
  • Probably not in the short term , but I will keep it in mind for a future update.

    new plugin version:


    • Added action to 'find spriter object' from it's corresponding c2 object, and an expression to retrieve the 'foundObject's name. (useful for testing conditions on collision boxes and sprites, and then retrieving a Spriter variable for that object)
    • Fixed a bug that would cause an error when using action points
    • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented objects (sprites, boxes, etc) from updating
  • hey,

    i believe i found a bug.

    if you have a scml object used with 1 sprite sheet, c2 will only draw the scml object if the hotspot is within the layout.

    this cause the scml to suddenly jump in the screen, if it is moving into the layout from the outside of the layout.

    *you can simulate this by placing a scml that uses 1 sprite sheet with the 8-direction behavior

  • hello

    Have you set the animation bounding box for your animations in Spriter? (We only recently added this to our tutorial)

    Saving it after doing this will give the plugin the bounding box information it needs.

  • lucid

    thanks, that solved it (you just wrote the same thing to Rable *facepalm*)

    i see amazing performance boost in mobile devices, after moving to 1 sprite sheet.

    my game went from 650 objects down to 420!

  • lucid I doubled the sizes of my sprites that spriter loads for my character inside the spriter editor. Is there a way to scale the project and bones so it fits the new sizes of the sprites? (Meaning scaling the bones and not the sprites connected to them)

    Or do I have to scale every bone and place the sprites correctly for each animation manually?

  • lucid I doubled the sizes of my sprites that spriter loads for my character inside the spriter editor. Is there a way to scale the project and bones so it fits the new sizes of the sprites? Or do I have to scale every bone and place the sprites correctly for each animation manually?

    Timely question! I have the opposite challenge - to reduce the size of the sprites and bones... fingers crossed for a simple solution!!

  • Colludium I solved it now by doing this:

    1. Exported out my new sprites as the size I wanted and reloaded them in spriter. Which messes up the character.

    2. Then I selected the main bone and scaled it to the size I wanted. In my case 2 as my new sprites are double the size of the old ones. This also scales all child bones and the sprites so everything looks like **** atm However the rig is now correct but nothing else

    3. Lastly I selected all my sprites (only the sprites no bones) and changed the scaling back to 1 and now the rig and bones are correct at the new scale.

    Not optimal but it worked

  • Anonnymitet - awesome, and just about my level of pixel manipulation - thank you!

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  • Anonnymitet - awesome, and just about my level of pixel manipulation - thank you!

    Great, only thing that was a bit frustrating was that I had to right click and copy both the new X&Y scale for each sprite to every frame

  • hi. Sorry if my reply is too late to help. You should be able to export project to new size from the File menu, which will resize the sprites automatically (though not with the same quality as your manual resize), and then replace the files in the new project folder with your manually resized sprites.

  • 2/26/2017

    • Fixed a bug where overrides would remain stuck even after stopping the override action.
  • hey lucid Do the current time ration animation events works?

    because I have a problem using that event in my game.

  • ffman22 sorry I thought I had already replied to this. It seems to be working for me.

    The quick test I did was:

    Every Tick - Set current time in animation to unlerp(viewportLeft(0),ViewportRight(0),Mouse.X(0)) ratio of total length.

    Then the left side of the screen is the beginning of the animation and the right side of the screen is the end, and wherever your mouse is in between is what the animation should play back at.

  • ffman22 sorry I thought I had already replied to this. It seems to be working for me.

    The quick test I did was:

    Every Tick - Set current time in animation to unlerp(viewportLeft(0),ViewportRight(0),Mouse.X(0)) ratio of total length.

    Then the left side of the screen is the beginning of the animation and the right side of the screen is the end, and wherever your mouse is in between is what the animation should play back at.

    yes correct my mistake I used 0-100 values, but the correct values are 0 to 1.0

    I use it for create this combat system.

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzebfj ... o3WFk/view

  • lucid

    I created the animation of a character with two versions, one with normal images and another with images in the normal map color scale. I created two separate scml files with the same animations, but I already explained, one with animation images and another as a mask for the nomal map. Using another test sprite, static png tested the normal map effect on C2 and works perfentiously. But by applying the same effect to the scml file, it does not work. How can I solve this problem?

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