Hi all,
I'm trying to make a button in Construct 2 that shares the link to my game on Facebook alongside a logo/preview image. The built-in Facebook object doesn't do anything despite ostensibly having an action specifically for that purpose (i.e. nothing opens in the browser), but I've had more luck opening a URL using the Browser object. This is what the URL looks like:
https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?app_id=XXXXXXXXXXX&sdk=joey&u=" & URLEncode("chicken-road.bitballoon.com") &"&picture="&URLEncode("https://chicken-road.bitballoon.com/images/logo.png")& "&display=popup&ref=plugin&src=share_button"& quote=Description of the game here.&hashtag=#tags #arent #displayed[/code:31f8dg3i]
While this does successfully open a Share dialog in Facebook, the image isn't displayed, despite me manually adding a meta property in index.html:
[code:31f8dg3i]<meta property="og:image" content="https://chicken-road.bitballoon.com/images/logo.png" />[/code:31f8dg3i]
The tags are also gone, but that's a much lesser concern.
Does anybody have any ideas as to what could be wrong? For something as seemingly trivial as a Share button, this is sure taking a lot of time... Thanks for your suggestions!