Quick answers:
1 - anglelerp
2 - lerp
3 - global variable
Longer answers:
1 - You would have to set your layer angle using a to be add system expression anglelerp.
There is a way to do it in 3 events according to Yann, but I don't know it. Maybe some maths savy guy can come by here and enlighten us, I'd like to know that too.
2 - Lerp is another system expression.
It actualy already exists in C2 and you can check about it in the manual.
Pretty much the same logic as above, set the sprite X and Y to lerp(current sprite's position, destination's position, 0.5) (the 0.5 helps to smooth the thing)
3 - A variable that indicates that you want your object to move or to stop.
Set it to 0 and be sure to check that it is 0 in the event were you move your sprite.
When you want the objects to stop, set the variable to 1. When you want to move them again put them to 0.