Vladoss, should be something like that:
On start layout: Ajax.Require("http://yourscript.php?gethash");
Set Ajax.LastData to Webstorage.Local("playerHash");
At every event that changes level or points you need to within Ajax, send the atribute that changed and the hash: Ajax.Require("http://yourscript.php?setlevel=5&hash"&WebStorage.Local("gameHash"));
Or make a Every x seconds event that will update, like the same method above, those points (using a object variable or global variable, depending on what you have).
It's a bit more secure compared to just store the atributes at the client side, but as the atributes are sent trough Ajax, they can be changed too.
If you don't have to upload to Arcade and CAN use third-party plugins, you can use the CBHash plugin made by
Kyatric and add some checksums to the values passed, so the player will have EVEN MORE difficult to change the atributes passed, even if theyre crystal clear on the ajax URL required.
Edit: i'll try to make an example .capx if i have time, ok?