Question about physics forces.
If I have 'Every Tick apply force 10' to an object... does this mean that if I was getting 60 frames per second and said object moves (let's say) 600 pixels in a second....
If I was only getting 30 frames a second, would the object have less force applied to it, and therefore move half the speed, and travel half the distance?
I only ask because I believe this is happening to my game. On my mobile device, I'm only getting 30fps, and everything else is set up with DT, but I can't do that with physics, as I believe
Ashley has already said that physics already has DT applied. I have frame-rate independence on, but I'm still getting slow speeds. If I use gravity, on the other hand, the item drops at normal speed no matter the frame rate. It just appears to be forces that are affected.
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this, and come up with a clever way to get around it.