I read that Firefox and Chrome should have similar performance, but I'm getting 20-30 fps in Firefox (v19) as opposed to a pretty stable 60 in Chrome (v25) in my game. WebGL is enabled in both browsers. Is this normal?
I'm running on Windows 7 Home 64 bit AMD Fusion Zacate E-350 1.6 GHZ dual core, 6GB RAM. It is a solid little netbook; its on the low end for desktops/laptops but should be much faster than mobile devices.
Live demo at mbcoffice.com/construct. Press middle mouse button and hover over the grid to see fps. Audio has been disabled to remove a potential performance factor.
This is my first project, to familiarize myself with the capabilities of Construct. I feel like it is relatively simple compared to what I might like to try in the future. Unfortunately as I was nearing completion the game started slowing down to ~50 fps even in Chrome. Is this a limitation of HTML5? Or am I coding it inefficiently? The capx is available at dropbox.com/scl/fi/pvtjsfx1dmft65nd3drhm/battleship.capx. I feel like I have refactored my code fairly well at this point. Any advice on further optimization would be greatly appreciated though! If my computer is already having trouble with a simple game like this, I'm worried I'd be wasting my time developing a more complex one. Also, I have tried removing the background animation, but that did not have any noticeable effect on fps.
I did find one performance factor, (which could perhaps be a bug?) when I added the list object for difficulty setting.
<img src="http://www.mbcoffice.com/construct/capture1.png" border="0" />
Without the "Trigger Once" condition, FPS in Chrome would drop from 60 down to 30 when ShotsFired>0. I assume it came from disabling the dropdown list every tick rather than just once (it doesn't happen when setting the list to enabled, while ShotsFired=0). When "Trigger Once" is added, the problem goes away. I've uploaded a version where the condition is disabled as in the screenshot at mbcoffice.com/construct/triggeroncedisabled, to see if this happens for others as well, in case it really is a bug that needs fixing. I didn't notice any difference between the two version in Firefox, but that may be because it was running pretty slowly in Firefox to begin with.
I also didn't mention IE, which only gets 15-20 fps on my computer, but to be fair that is probably because it is running canvas2d. When I disabled webgl, both Firefox and Chrome only got around 10 fps, so IE is performing rather admirably in that case. A friend running Safari on a Mac told me his FPS was even more miserable, which is what got me to start looking at the FPS in different browsers in the first place.
So far, as a graphic designer with several failed attempts at learning programming languages, I'm loving Construct! It has let me put together something on my own at last (in only a few days too!). I just hope that HTML5 is capable enough to support some of my crazier ideas ;)
On a side note, when I link to images on dropbox, it shows it as broken in the forum post. You can copy and past the link in a browser and it works though. Am I doing it wrong? For example:
<img src="https://www.dropbox.com/s/ohug88xa3d66br2/Capture.PNG" border="0" />