Ashely A few months ago I started a post expressing various problems I have had when trying to update my games using the offline.appache file. There were several replies suggesting ways to resolve this problem, including changing the timestamp at the top of the offline.appcache file, or deleting the cache from chrome or other browsers. None of these suggestions really solved the problem for me.
However, I recently discovered that the real problem was not the offline.appache file or the browser itself, but the ftp server I was using at the time, which was filezilla.
My original post-
I've never had this problem since I started uploading my files using my host’s file manager upload tools. Apparently, the problem with filezilla is the directory caching. Sometimes when I rename a folder and upload the updated version of my game, I discover that the updated files were really not uploaded. My guess is that permission to access the new folder was denied. But there were no indications or notices of this.
Anyway, I hope this helps someone out there who might be experiencing this same problem. Further reading can be done on this topic by following this link;