I am testing my game, and I added music. However, it seems to not be working, but my other sounds are working. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused" /> Here is my game: bit.ly/2oFm9H1
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Don't use it as music. Import it into sounds folder and it should work just like everything else. Yes, music has the advantage of being streamed, but do you really need that?
If everything is downloaded before game starts there won't be any unexpected surprises. I think that outweighs any streaming benefits.
I might sound dumb at this point, but by music, I just meant ambient audio. It actually is in the sounds folder.
BTW, the sound files are "Ave-Mariamba.ogg", "Ever Mindful.ogg", "Jazz-Brunch.ogg", "Smooth-Lovin.ogg", and "Teddy-Bear-Waltz.ogg".
Set MusicID to int(random(1, 6))
Random returns a float.
random(a, b)
Generate a random float between a and b, including a but not including b.
Works! Thanks!