I've run into a major problem with the C2 version of loot pursuit � it takes up too much memory. After my iPhone 4S runs out of memory, the frame rate utterly plummets to about 2-3 frames per second. I've confirmed that it's a memory problem because deleting animations and textures is enough to fix it and send the fps back to 60. It's also only happening on my iPhone 4S, which has 512 MB of RAM, and doesn't happen on my iPad, which has one gigabyte of RAM. It's also crashing cocoonjs.
The game doesn't even have anywhere near the amount of animations and graphics that it's going to have, and I haven't even started on sound effects and music yet. This isn't a matter of not taking in cosiderations of designing for mobile - it's a matter of keeping the entire entire game in memory at once when only a part of it is needed.
I know webGL has memory management, but that's useless for mobile because they don't support it yet. Also, isn't that only for VRAM? Doesn't everything still need to be in RAM?
My question is, will there ever be some way of managing memory better, or is this something html5 simply doesn't have the capability to do? Will cocoonjs's eventual implementation of memory management fix this problem (as mentioned, it's currently crashing cocoonjs)? This is an essential feature for larger games like mine. Because if there isn't some way for this to be implemented there's no way larger games like loot pursuit can be delivered on mobile, even though aside from using too much memory it runs fine. It might even be a problem for desktop games as well, that's a lot of memory use! :(