These are my givens:
v = (x,y)
v2 = ?
a = The angle between v and v2
I want to solve for the projection (P) of v onto v2.
I have two ways I can do this (that I know of).
P.X = (v.X * cos(a)) + (v.Y * sin (a))
P.Y = (v.X * cos(a+pi/2)) + (v.Y * sin(a+pi/2))
v2.magnitude = sqrt ( v2.X^2 + v2.Y ^2 )
v2.unitVector = v2 / v2.magnitude
DotProduct = v.X * v2.X + v.Y * v2.Y
P = DotProduct * v2.unitVector
Which is better? More efficient, etc...