Infinite, Smooth Wrapped Scrolling Issue

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  • Infinite, Smooth Wrapped Scrolling Issue

    First I should say I am new to C2 and this maybe solve of have a simple solution. But I can not find.

    I have the same frustration and a number of other posts nave the same requests. I think maybe it can't be done easily. As no simple posted an answer. But there are a few work arounds posted.

    Please can some one post a reply to the threads at as can not for some reason un authorised.

    Maybe I have missed something as it should be included in any game engine as a basic feature..

    However looking at this link

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  • Opps I am a noob it cut of my post half way. Here the rest.. lol

    However looking at this link

  • Try again it not me it does not like my links :(

    Infinite, Smooth Wrapped Scrolling Issue

    First I should say I am new to C2 and this maybe solve of have a simple solution. But I can not find.

    I have the same frustration and a number of other posts nave the same requests. I think maybe it can't be done easily. As no simple posted an answer. But there are a few work arounds posted.

    Please can some one post a reply to the threads at as can not for some reason un authorised.

    Maybe I have missed something as it should be included in any game engine as a basic feature..

    However looking at this link

    jhonM said he solved it as jhonM said he solved it. But there is not explanation. Maybe I have missed something being new and still working through the manual.

    Here is I believe the same issue and a solution of that from my programming background and but lack of Contract 2 knowledge sounds do able.

    Method 1

    Method 2

    Ths for RTS But should be applicable to the problems[URL= Got Luck Jackson Links to the same issue threads Keep an object centered and looping layout? scroll repeat Layout like a globe Drawing to a minimap + clearing offscreen objects The Ever-Growing Tile Editor Continuous scrolling background from parts? Theory: (Virtually) Unlimited Game Area

  • yeah..been lookin fer the same thing..i searched "defender scrolling with the same kind of results...would love a tutorial.


  • Is this what you're looking for?

  • No Sorry. Maybe I will Try and Explain again

    As example

    The screen window in the browser is 800 by 600. The lay out is 3200 by 2400. This mean the lay out is 4 times longer and taller than the screen.

    So to sole this the back ground scroll left and right and up down depending on the direction the character moves in.

    The plkayer remains in the screen which means in effect the camera is attached to the player.

    As the player moves close any edge of the layout the back ground continues to scroll. Instead of screen showing the edge of the layout or have the charge move from the center of the screen. The screen shows the right opposite side of the layout.

    This is a feature in many retro style games. Defender (Arcade), Lunar JetMan (Spectrum) are examples of the horizontal scrolling wrap. There are 4 directional scrollong wrap.

    As an example of the character move to a corner of the layout and was moving diagonally off the corner. At the point where the center of the center of the player was at the edge of the very layout.

    The player would still appear in the center of the screen and all for corners of the layout would appear in the center of the screen taking up a quarter of the screen each one in the on the screen each.

    If the back ground and object were on the lay out were placed correctly it would appear as if there was not edge and the layout was infinite in all for directions.

    Please can some one help as this should be elementary feature.

    Thank you.

  • Just a thought

    on EveryTick

    Player.x < 0

    -Player.x = Layoutwidth - 1

    Player.x > Layoutwidth

    -player.x = 1

    repeat for Y

    Also set Layout property Unbound scrolling to yes

    layout your background images outside of the layout so that they render(ok I have never technically done this)

    Player Sprite

    give behaviour ScrollTo . that way the game always keeps the player centered.

    based on what I read. I thin this is what your looking for.

  • Here is the official response emailed to me:

    Sent: Friday, 12 April 2013 2:57 AM

    Construct 2 doesn't support this in a built-in way, but you might be able to "fake" it.

    Best regards,

    Ashley Gullen

  • I have been able to fake it by manually controlling every object every tick. But Construct grinds to a hult due to all the code in the high level contract programming system.

    Maybe I can make it faster as I improve my coding skill. But it a massive amount of code.

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