Apparently Amazon Fire TV now supports HTML5 apps with support for WebGL and Gamepads:
We don't have a Fire TV in the office right now to test with - does anyone have one and have you tried it?
I do. What kind of test do you want me to do? Provide me a capx or test file and I'll run it.
One thing though. I don't have a gamepad, just the standard remote.
Maybe the gamepad API maps some remote buttons to controls?
If you can just export the gamepad example project and get it moving that would be cool. Or any small game and check the framerate.
Well it is pretty much like a mini gamepad. I'll give it a go this evening
Yup, it works through the "web app tester". Up, down, left and right controlled the ship. Middle button didn't do anything but I assume it wasn't mapped to anything in the demo. The text saying no gamepad detected remained on the screen, but as I said it did work.
Actually I see that firing is in that demo. I have no idea which button it is mapped to though as I have mapped all the remaining buttons to fire to try and isolate it. i.e. a, b, x, y, start/menu, and back/view.
So keycode is 13 for the d-pad center. When I tried is 'Is button index down" with 13 it didn't do anything though. I'll try 'Is button index pressed' when I get the TV back from the wife
Ok, I got it working. I replaced 'space is down' with 'return is down' since that is keycode 13 on a keyboard. Soooo.... this probably means the remote doesn't work with gamepad controls.
This is still a nice news, as it means it is still possible to do mappable controls without needing to do a particular plugin for the remote.
Aphrodite Yup, but this is far as my testing can go since I didn't buy the gamepad as it's half as much as the box!
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
ive just stared testing my games with it and it works greAT. and the normal gamepad plugin works. the fire tv software is just a version of the kindle fire OS so if a feature works on the kindle it should work on fire tv and fire phone os