I have a HP Pavilionn dv7-6c23cl 64 bit notebook with 16gigs Ram and AMD Radeon HD 6620g graphics. I'm running windows 8 64bit.
Installed Construct2-r119 choosing auto os detect, then again choosing 64 bit os.
I also attempted to update the video driver by 1st) using the driver update in device driver manager. 2) I also attempted to download a later driver from Amd. 3) I eventually got a driver from HP that appears older, installed that. Same problem.
The install runs fine, but when I start C2 it runs and displays the start screen. It's when I file->new or file->load a project that c2 hangs.
FYI I installed c2 on a Samsung tablet running win8pro. Seems to work OK on that. I can create a new project and load existing. It's not my choice for development though.
Any ideas?