Help! Export NW dont load video. All the videos i use dont load some 1 have idea what im doing bad :S?
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Keep in mind that 3rd party videoplayers like the YouTube plugin require specific licensed modules and therefor won't load in NWjs.
Are you using mp4? I don't think nwjs supports mp4 as it is a licensed format as danny said. You can unlock it with chromium args but best is to use webm videos instead.
On web are working on microsoft edge, but on nwjs dont work. but yes im using mp4, what format i need to use for nwjs videos?
Im loading al videos from files on the proyect.
Anonnymitet can you tell to me
NWjs supports many formats but I think the "webm" format is the best. So convert your videos to that and it will work. Just google mp4 to webm to find a converter.