Hey, I've been having a hell of a time just trying to load up a sprite into Construct 2.
After saving it and exiting as in the old Construct my image does not appear in the layout.
So in the process of trying various things I drug and dropped my image from the Picture Manager right into the layout and got this error.
I figure it may well have been my bad, but thought maybe I should post since it says in the error box that it is probably a bug.
Loving the work you guys do,
Construct 2 Check failure
Check failure! This is probably a bug:
Should not be using MFC Serialize mechanism on CLayoutDoc
Condition: false
File: Editors\CLayoutDoc.cpp
Line: 81
Function: void __thiscall CLayoutDoc::Serialize(class CArchive &)
Build: release 31 (32-bit) checked
Component: Construct 2 IDE
(Last Win32 error: 0)