does anyone know about CocoonIO the difference between Webview and Webview+?
when I use Canvas+ I get a black screen. But the webview ones work, except with some weird audio muting and repeating issues.
I don't know at all sorry :/
I tried to do the iOS build because I saw in the tutorial that the key isn't needed for it :
"It’s not necessary to add an iOS key to your CocoonIO Account. If you do not select any key, you’ll get a xcode archive file. Open this with XCode and you can export your Game for production / development as well. But if you do add a a key, you will directly get an .ipa file."
But when I try to compile i have this error :
The product name change ( tag) in config.xml is not supported dynamically.
To change your product name, you have to remove, then add your ios platform again.
Make sure you save your plugins beforehand using `cordova plugin save`.
cordova plugin save
cordova platform rm ios
cordova platform add ios
[36m[2017-08-25 09:01:06.647] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[prepare] cordova restore platforms
[36m[2017-08-25 09:01:06.667] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[prepare] adding engine ioskkx@4.3.0
[36m[2017-08-25 09:01:11.094] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39mThe product name change ( tag) in config.xml is not supported dynamically.
To change your product name, you have to remove, then add your ios platform again.
Make sure you save your plugins beforehand using `cordova plugin save`.
cordova plugin save
cordova platform rm ios
cordova platform add ios
I don't understand at all what the problem is, maybe some plugin I forgot?