Hi Ashley,
Sure you are quick responding! another great plus of this engine.
1) I was looking into this webstorage object a couple of minutes before. Seems to solve this issue.
2)You cleared a big shadow on my plans. I feared that there was some limitation on inputs between a native app and a webgame app on browsers.
(By the way, handhelds webgames are the future, all efforts should go on this direction along social integration)
3)jajaj when i asked this question i was thinking on that blog but i was convinced that was a dream. This one was a question but i forgot the "?"
4)Good to see that the layout doesn't eat memory in a fixed way. This question was based on comparisons between this engine and many new html5 based ones that i don't know why are so slow or there's this conviction of html5 being slow/useless for game development.
5)This Space Blaster example helps me . Many objects, fast movements (and animated) and special effects all working good on ios browsers. Since I still don't have an ios device i have to ask many things about this engine on those devices. So far this engine seems perfect for this devices.
5)b)You named Safari on IOS not supporting audio yet. But there's other browsers options that runs games made with this engine on that device right? I was an Android developer so ios is new groud for me.
6)Excelent. My general plan is to remake a zelda3 source code into this engine in d&d and see how much can be done in that type of game (something like bastion over ios browsers). The features i was lacking enough information was to fulfill this kind of project.
Thanks for your answers, comming from one of the engine's developers gives tremendous security.