I'm using Century Gothic for all text in my game, and it is a font that is in c2 by default. It works on my computer, but apparently on my phone Century Gothic is not installed. How would I get this to work? I have a .ttf file, and I tried following https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/557/using-any-fonts-in-your-project but that website won't allow for Century Gothic to be converted. Anyway, Century Gothic is already found in the c2 editor, how would I get to work on mobile as well?
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May I suggest you try the 'How do I forum' for these types of questions. For this problem, just search the tutorials for how to use web fonts - that's the solution you need (although, IMO, sprite fonts are better).
For mobile, spritefonts for sure. Faster and more reliable.
platelminto Yeah as TiAm said Spritefont's are the way to go. I thought i'd help you out. here is a link to a great tool someone on the forums made to help make spritefonts
Thank you for the Sprite Fonts suggestion, that did the trick!