As the title says...
Does anyone know what are the limits of loopindex and audio plugin analyser song read?
because im trying to get a complete waveform of a song... but for some reason even though the loopindex works even for 2mil counts and above... audio plugin seems to not work properly... or cant read a song properly based on loopindex after 22500 ..... as more i test the C2 new versions it seems there is a limit always that ends in 25 same was for the new audio post that had a 0.025 wait ... now i seen lately nothing happens under 0.025 anymore is that the new tick count?
the code to create a waveform is taking a "songlenght" multiplied by 1000 to get each millisecond and for X from 1 to songlenght creates a sprite
however even if i can create more then 22500 objects .. the loopindex seems to stop at 22500 ... which is weird... is there something im missing?
here is a capx file using the canvas plugin, i was thinking it wold work better by working around the sprite limits but its not ...
Ashley have any idea why it stops? its exactly 2.25 seconds again the magic number "25"
sorry for my confusing writing its really late ... didn't sleep for 2 days trying to find something about it ... either i was looking for the wrong words or dunno couldn't find nothing about waveform in c2
Edited: as you can see instead of 1000 i used 1002.25 because i cant get the exact song length in milliseconds for the loopindex to match incrementally by 1
however the multiplication has nothing to do with the song reading waveform ... it should not stop at 22500 or 2.25 seconds of the song.. im thinking the audio buffer is limited to 2 seconds?
the 22500 its the song with 36000 HZ in name... since the total lenght is around 3 minutes but it stops at around 1% of the song basically.