They're different. Tint just does:
red * red tint
green * green tint
blue * blue tint
Adjust HSL does:
convert RGB to HSL
hue * hue adjust
sat * sat adjust
lum * lum adjust
convert HSL to RGB
Basically, tint treats each RGB color channel individually, but Adjust HSL treats the whole image evenly. Comparing Adjust HSL to Tint:
Hue rotate: this is a true rotation, so for example red turns green, green turns blue, and blue turns red - in a circle. Tint can't do that, it just boosts or filters individual RGB channels.
Saturation: basically how greyscale the image is. Tint can't do that, it could only brighten or darken the entire image.
Luminance: how bright the image is. Tint can't adjust this either: tinting all colors down will reduce the saturation, whereas turning down the luminance preserves saturation. IMO this makes luminance look visually better than tint or multiply for brightness adjustments.
On the other hand, Adjust HSL can't make something appear only in shades of red, like Tint can: it will only rotate the hues, giving a weird multi-colored effect.
If you want to make something look a certain color - use tint
If you want to adjust the brightness or greyscale-ness, or make a weird color rotate effect - use Adjust HSL
Both run all on the GPU so are probably both very fast, but if you benchmark them tint will probably be faster because it doesn't have to convert the color system.