Ok ... it's seem shader problem issue, i have 500 C2 shader and the
demo is not the same shader i have.
So i ve made another demo and upload another drop shader from my SSD;
demo: gigatron3k.free.fr/html5/C2/FX/dsp2
zip shader: gigatron3k.free.fr/html5/C2/FX/dsp2/dsp2.zip
Try this one ;
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Thanks ~
Tested, this time it filled the entire layer with solid black when applied to the layer (layer is still transparent)
So the problem is mix glsl command .. and transparent area;
Send another color shadow demo and new fx called Drop shadow color ; dsc;
demo : gigatron3k.free.fr/html5/C2/FX/dsc
file : gigatron3k.free.fr/html5/C2/FX/dsc/dsc.zip
If you want this shader download and play with parameters and
download this fx ;
Be sure i will try to fix the first dsp shader asap ;
Hi, sorry the link to dowload the FX is broken, can you reupload it? Thanks ~
Sorry; D S C ..;)
No problem ~
Welp looks like it's even more broken now :')
The objects become black and the shadow is drawn only inside the objects (the green bg is on a separated layer, and fx still applied to the objects layer)
Sorry , it's not working with opaq layer color, you must set layer to transparent. There is another way to simulate drop shadow withe multiple layer texture but i must see that ;
No I mean, the layer where the objects are is transparent, the green bg is on another layer, the result is the same without that green background;
But thanks for taking a look ~