Ashely- you are welcome. I got another issue with the Windows 8 export Plug-in not sure if you update that as well but here is the error in opening flyouts like about in the charms setting from VS 2013
JavaScript Console is attached and accepting commands.
HTML1300: Navigation occurred.
File: index.html
Creating AppCache with manifest: 'ms-appx://301f0609-26ab-477f-b567-209f481a7026/offline.appcache'.
The method Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView.get_Value has been deprecated. Value may be altered or unavailable for releases after Windows 8.1. Instead, query for window layout sizes directly.
APPHOST9623: The app couldn�t resolve ms-appx://microsoft.winjs.1.0/css/ui-dark.css because of this error: 80070057.
SettingsFlyout.width may be altered or unavailable in future versions. Instead, style the CSS width property on elements with the .win-settingsflyout class.
If I need to do a new bug report let me know.