- Problem Description -
Ashley,It appears that if you are using older graphics hardware such as the Intel Graphics 3000,all images in construct 2's editor get's quashed if the resolution of the image is greater than 1024.
I've tried it in construct 3 and it does not happen there. Your help is greatly appreciated.
- Attach a Capx -
drive.google.com/open ( CAPX attached)
- Steps to Reproduce Bug -
Step 1 - Create a New Project and simply insert an image that's beyond the resolution of 1024 .eg 1280x720 image
Step 2 - Observe the editor quash the image
- Observed Result -
Image gets quashed. However on preivew it renders fine.
- Expected Result -
Image rendering normal in the editor
- Affected Browsers -
Chrome: (NO)
FireFox: (NO)
Internet Explorer: (NO)
- Operating System and Service Pack -
Windows 10 version 1903 (18362.267)
- Construct 2 Version ID -
r269 64bit
Graphics Card : Intel Graphics 3000
Processor : Intel i3 - 2370M
RAM : 8gb
HDD : SSD Kingston 240
eg. of an image being quashed on insert