Since there where no solutions posted in the How-To, I assume that this is a bug:
I'm playing with touch objects on my iPhone and stumbled across an issue I do not understand.
How do I build an App, that uses the whole Safari iPhone Screen Size? When I set the layout to 640x960 an do NOT enable full screen mode, I get a border I do not like.
<img src="" border="0">
If I set full screen mode to on, the screen size no longer seems to stay to 640x960.
In fullscreen mode - regardless if scalled or croped - when I query WindowWidth and WindowHeight I do not get 640x960 as expected, but 320x356...why's that?
<img src="" border="0">
The left half is crop, the right scaled mode. I am running iOS 5.0.1 on an iPhone 3 GS
The realy weird thing is, the thin blue line is placed at the left border of the "layout" which is set to a width of 640. The red circle with the yellow star is automaticly placed at the calculated right lower corner (WindowWith & WindowHeigt)
Both textfields are place on a HUD layer with paralax 0,0....