Problem Description
8Direction adds a small Y-Vector positive movement(down) when going left at maximum speed. I thought that this is happening because of the smooth turning from other directions but this is applied even when the object continues its left-side route.
Attach a Capx ... k_bug.capx
Description of Capx
In the capx there is a tank with an 8 Direction control scheme, using only 4 directions and with "Set angle: off". It has 4 looped animations (besides Default) for each of the directions(left, right, up and down) of movement 2 frames each. Animations are switched according to its Vector X and Vector Y readings, as it can be seen in the events.
Also the last event one causes the tank to spawn red particles when the bug appears (when the Left key is pressed AND Y Vector is greater then 0).
Steps to Reproduce Bug
- Step 1: Run the capx
- Step 2: Press left arrow and wait for the tank to accelerate to maximum speed
Observed Result
Tank changes its animation to left-moving once the it starts to move left, but when reaching its maximum speed frame changes to down-moving, because its Vector Y becomes greater then 0 with no apparent reason.
Expected Result
Tank Y Vector should not react to the left/right movements.
Affected Browsers
- Chrome: (YES)
- FireFox: (YES)
- Internet Explorer: (YES)
Operating System and Service Pack
Windows 7 Home Edition SP1
Construct 2 Version ID
Release 178 (64bit)