Link to .capx file (required!):
Steps to reproduce:
1. Select Group "Group" in Event Sheet 1 (which will select all events)
2. Right click on the group and select replace object. (Alternatively, you can press 'r' while the group is selected)
3. Replace Sprite to Sprite2.
4. Click undo. (Alternatively, you can press ctrl+z)
Observed result:
1. Crash (Construct 2 has stopped working)
2. Condition and Action all disappear without crashing
Expected result:
Replaced events should be undo.
Browsers affected:
Chrome: N.A
Firefox: N.A
Internet Explorer: N.A
Operating system & service pack:
Windows 7 Home Premium
SP 1
Construct 2 version:
r152 (64bit)
r154 (64bit)