1. Create a project
2. Add to sound and music
3. Export to Cordova
4. Compile the project in intel XDK or Cordova or CocoonJS Webwiew (+) for IOS
Cordova (based on which all mechanisms intel XDK) on the IOS system does not work properly. Music does not play until you was tap on the screen.
In a complex project, it creates a huge problem (no music plays at the right time).
Also not working "trigger", designed to disable the volume on the iPhone and iPad.
Performance Cordova lower than Ejecta or CocoonJS Webview +
Directly on the Intel XDK there are also problems with the orientation of the screen and hiding the status bar. This is achieved by using third-party modules and crutches.
It all problems associated with Cordova on IOS.
For Android it works wonderfully.
I think, you have forgotten that the most profitable mobile market is the App Store.
*Memory management in the Ejecta better than in Cordova.
Need more reasons?