Preview Localstorage broken after clearing site data

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A set of vector game assets contains ground tiles and several objects, used for creating platformer games
  • Problem Description

    Localstorage in preview broken if you "clear site data" in chrome. Even after relaunch it not working again.

    Its really annoying im now forced to test everything in Opera instead.

    Attach a Capx


    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Run any capx with using of Localstorage in chrome
    • Open dev tools(f12)
    • choose Application tab
    • on the left panel choose "Clear storage"
    • Push "Clear site data" with all checkmarks on

    Observed Result

    After that data to localstorage not saves anymore in preview even after relaunch chrome/preview/construct

    Expected Result

    Its must only cleared or not affected at all.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES/NO)
    • FireFox: (YES/NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES/NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack


    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Ashley , Also broken in Opera after using c2 defaut "clear storage". Looks like not only i have this problem. Reboot not helps.

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  • Same here, after some day save/load do not work on Chrome.

    Someday ago i solved the problem by using the clear local storage action, but it doesn't work anymore, the storage is cleared but the save/load is still not working.

    I tried to deleted manually the files in the chrome folder, no effect.

  • Same here, after some day save/load do not work on Chrome.

    Someday ago i solved the problem by using the clear local storage action, but it doesn't work anymore, the storage is cleared but the save/load is still not working.

    I tried to deleted manually the files in the chrome folder, no effect.

    i found now only that in private tab all works fine. at least for now.

  • Any update or alternative on that issue?

  • Can't reproduce here in Chrome 59, seems to work fine with a simple test .capx I have, which I used since you didn't provide one. It failed to read storage after clicking "clear storage", which I think is because it was wiped while using the storage database, which isn't too surprising. However simply closing and reopening Chrome allowed it to start working again. As expected it also restored to an empty storage state, so if you used events that expected storage to be present, it might have the appearance of no longer working. Since you didn't provide a .capx I can't investigate further, so closing.

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