Link to .capx file (required!):
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create tiles using sprite method.
2. Run the .capx within construct 2 (works fine).
3. Export it using node-webkit (now shows seams around the textures borders (observable in full screen)).
Observed result:
Seams around texture borders.
Expected result:
No display artifacts, just the texture.
Operating system & service pack:
Windows 7, service pack 1
Construct 2 version:
r126, r127 (same bug)
Yes Andreyin, in this little example (the .capx for the .exe file in the previous post) the textures are created using the power-of-two size format (though that's not the texture size I'm using in my game levels, but the same bug appears whatever texture size I use).
Sorry for creating and uploading the .exe file earlier, my bad :P