Well. When I play my character the right arrow button works fine but when I press the left arrow the character just goes off screen.
Here is the game http-://-localhost-:-50000/ No dashes
Do you know how to fix it?
I am using internet explorer.
Yeaahhhh its pretty hard to play your game on localhost. Upload the capx.
Hey Kat, just so you know and for future reference, you're linking us to localhost, meaning your own computer (but only to yourself), so we cannot access it. In order for us to be able to help you, you either post your capx file or you upload the HTML5 export to some webhosting (or your google drive) and then we'll be able to help you out
Oh whoops I forgot. Sorry
Here is the game
There's no bug - the Sprite's imagepoint is way off center, so when the animation is changed, it appears to jump left/right.
Sooo how do I fix it?
You have to set up the imagepoint correctly for the different frames and animations of your sprite object. Look up the tutorials and manuals if you don't understand what these terms mean, they're essential for you to know if you want to keep making games.
^^^ As alvarop said, get into the manual and run through some examples - and all the basics will become clear. Walk before you try to run, young padawan...
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Thanks guys. I set the image point and origin into the middle of my character and it now works perfectly. Thanks for your help
Can we close this thread so it doesnt appear in the bugs section
Closing as not a bug