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Minimalist Crash Balls is a game where the goal is to hit the ball on the portal, with 20 different levels :)
  • Whenever i TRY (emphasis on the "try") to import a spritesheet, it crashes and won't close or respond unless i go to the task manager and "force stop" it

    Attach a Capx

    I haven't been able to make one as it crashes whenever i try

    Description of Capx

    a side scroller (meant to be)

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    Try to import a spritesheet?

    otherwise N/A

    Observed Result

    Freeze and crash

    Expected Result

    import spritesheet, or crash

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (/NO)
    • FireFox: (/NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (/NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    construct 2 r239

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  • Sorry, nothing we can do unless you follow the bug report guidelines. You could provide the spritesheet image you are importing and the exact steps for how you import it and the settings you choose.

  • Ashley - being very familiar with this bug, any image will do. Or not. An image will upload successfully one moment, then not the other. The likelihood of the image being an issue is, having observed this error for a long time, 0. I could upload some images to make you happy, but all of them would as likely upload succesfully on my system as they would crash C2, so I don't much see the point.

    You also don't get access to any settings options. It hangs before getting to the dialog where you input the spritesheet cell dimensions. I have observed occasions where the hang has solved itself after a few minutes and I am shown the dialog where cell dimensions may be entered - although these have been rare. More often than not I give it two minutes, then force-close and re-open C2.

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